I’ve been thinking a lot about birthday parties lately. As a father to two boys, my wife and I have always tried to make birthdays a special day for our sons. Twelve years into it, with two boys, I’d say we’ve done a pretty good job – but I can certainly appreciate the fact that trying to make a special day, with out dropping a small fortune, can present some challenges.

I really like what Martha Stewart does in the attached video. She takes a clever birthday theme (Baseball) – and goes one step further, by bringing a piece of the ballpark back to the living room. I’d like to briefly show that, for a lot less hassle, Cotton Candy Dreams can be a part of your themed birthday party too.

Martha Stewart shows how Cotton Candy is a great addition for any party

Listen – I don’t want to brag or anything.  I mean, I’m sure Martha Stewart is going to run circles around me if I was asked to decorate a room with pine cones and tea leaves, or roast a rack of lamb and squash.  That being said – I’ll take my chances if you’d like to pit me, against Martha, armed with a Cotton Candy Machine.


Don’t get me wrong, Martha’s got the right idea here.  You bring some fresh cotton candy to a birthday party – Boom instant hit.

Yes, with a little luck, and a bunch of your time, you might find a party supply store that rents you a machine for $50 or so, but what Martha is leaving out is some of the other costs/considerations:

  • Time finding the machine, picking it up, cleaning it up after your done, and returning it.  To say nothing of the time you will spend behind the machine making cotton candy – and not out with your kids or guests.
  • Learning how to use the machine without creating a whirlwind of cotton candy throughout your kitchen or dining room.
  • Flavors (sure you could just use plain sugar – but why do plain when you could have one of our awesome flavors)
  •  Other Costs – The machine aside – if you do want to have a choice of flavors – you are going to need to buy a pre-made cotton candy sugar mix.  On top of that, you are going to need to spend some money on cotton candy cones. (What the cotton candy sticks to when you make it)

The bottom line is, if you’d like to spend less time hassling with securing equipment and buying supplies you won’t use that often – and more time with your family and friends – give Cotton Candy Dreams a try and let us help make your dream party come true.

We come fully equipped ready to serve fresh multiple flavors of fresh Organic Cotton Candy at prices you can afford.

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